by admin | Dec 11, 2017 | The Soapbox
You can’t open up a newspaper or watch the 6 o’clock news these days without some guy being outed as a lech, pervert, scumbag or abuser. From politicians to the Hollywood elite, everyone seems to have used and sadly, abused women. Even sadder, we have this...
by admin | Oct 16, 2017 | The Soapbox
We live in a very funny society. I’m not talking about the “ha! ha!” kind of funny. But rather the funny that is unsettling, almost pathetic. On the one hand, we go on and on about the poor elementary or high school kid who was bullied at school and...
by admin | Oct 2, 2017 | The Soapbox
I don’t play bar games very often. I prefer steel tip darts to soft tip, but don’t like trying to keep score. I love the idea of pool, but I never paid much attention in math class to things that seem to be important in the game, namely geometry and...
by admin | Sep 25, 2017 | The Soapbox
There’s a lot of people whipped up into a real frenzy these days, largely because of the caustic remarks of a president who had the nerve to call American citizens choosing to take a knee at a football game, “sons of a bitch.” Well, that’s a...
by admin | Dec 12, 2016 | The Soapbox
Increasingly, we seem to be living in a post-truth world. We seem to refuse to believe the most basic of absolute facts in favor of the wildest of fantasies. To bolster our belief in the absurd, the crazy and often times manipulative, we drink the Kool Aid of...
by admin | Mar 14, 2016 | Politics, The Soapbox
This year’s election circus has taught me something. No, this isn’t some diatribe about the Republicans or the Democrats. Rather, it’s about lying and our increasing acceptance of it. As you’ve probably noticed in the presidential elections...
by admin | Dec 29, 2014 | The Soapbox
There are times when I am almost positive that Sony hacked themselves in order to turn a so-so, borderline crappy movie into a big hit. After all, it’s a brilliant marketing strategy — make a bad movie, create a newsworthy situation that puts the spotlight...
by admin | Aug 12, 2013 | The Soapbox
Growing up in the Pacific Northwest, I have always admired killer whales. As I kid, I read the Native American legends about these majestic beasts, which inhabit the waters of Puget Sound and the Straight of Juan de Fuca. When I was very young, I saw my first killer...