If I had been dead, I would have rolled over in my grave Sunday, for I found myself and psycho right winger Ann Coulter actually agreeing that Newt can’t possibly be elected president. As a hard line conservative, I was astounded that she admitted this on a Fox News show (the voice of Republicanism), that Gingrich couldn’t get the support of Independents, which we all know are essential to getting anyone in the White House.

I still stand in awe that anyone in the Republican party is supporting this guy. Talk about a charlatan. The only thing missing is the miracle elixir he’s hawking off the back of a wagon before it steals away in the night before anyone figures out the stuff is useless snake oil.

I can only guess that his rise in the polls is because Mitt Romney has the shifty, soul-less eyes of Dick Nixon and that the President will wipe the stage up with him in a debate. Even Mitt’s $42.7 million and $7+ million charitable donation to the Mormon church (that would be known as tithing by the way) can’t save Mitt in a debate. Don’t believe me? Read this article from the flag-waving right newspaper, the Wall Street Journal.

But let’s go back to Newt. As I said, I’m not a huge Obama fan. I don’t like anyone running and actually wanted Hillary the last time around. But Newt? Have these voters gone mad?

First, let’s remember that Newt led the charge in shutting down the government in 1995 because he went toe to toe with Clinton in a budget showdown over cuts.

Then there are the wonderful litany of ethics violations. He had to return $4.5 million from a book advance after the House Ethics Committee started to ask too many questions. Then he was investigated for using tax-exempt donations to fund a college course he was teaching while in Congress. Congress slapped him around, reprimanding him by a vote of 395 to 28. He was fined $300,000.

His waterloo came when Clinton lied to the grand jury about popping Monica Lewinsky. Gingrich wanted him impeached and removed from office, even though he himself was cheating on his wife at the time.

Members of his own party turned on him because of his controversial tactics and the damage he had done to the Republican party’s image. He finally stepped down in 1998 as Speaker and resigned from Congress a year later.

Newt just couldn’t let well enough alone, however. He then decided that he should sign on as a “historian” with Freddie Mac for $1.6 million. A historian. That’s a great word for a lobbyist.

Now, let’s return to his moral standing, or should I say, lack of it. I have had my hand in the wrong cookie jar too, but I wouldn’t think of running for dog-catcher let alone President because my moral character doesn’t come close to what we should expect from the leader of the free world.

Newt has been around more than I have, I think. He’s admitted to having affairs in each of his first two marriages, lining up the next Mrs. Gingrich before abandoning ship on the current one. Supposedly, he divorced his first or second wife because she wasn’t pretty enough to be the First Lady. Like Callista is some beauty queen. Frankly, I think she looks a lot like a Snowy Owl.

For those of you who haven’t followed the circus that is Newt’s personal life, here’s how it basically played out from what I can put together. For some reason, none of this is on his campaign site. Newt dumped #1 for #2 while #1 was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery. He served her with the divorce papers while she was still in the hospital bed. #2 was eventually diagnosed with MS. But thankfully, he had already lined up #3 at the same time he was trying to drive Bill Clinton out of office for having an affair with Monica. Talk about two-faced and hypocritical.

All of this while Newt proclaims himself the champion of family values. He hides behind the fact that he has asked God’s forgiveness and since he’s good with that, so should we.

But even many of his fellow Catholics disapprove of his affairs. Here’s what one blog said, “Catholics should expect more from ‘our own’ – not because we demand perfection in our leaders or because we can’t forgive, but because the actions and words of the faithful in the public eye matter whether they occur before or after a professed conversion of the heart.”

I am shocked the religious right and women don’t flee in the other direction. Especially female voters. Even President Bush’s former staff member says that it’s not about the infidelity, but the arrogance, hypocrisy and the cruelty it represents. If he can treat his own wives in this manner, how is he going the rest of us, the people he doesn’t know or love.

This guy is a total whack job, yet voters are flocking to him, anxious to jump on the crazy train with Newt on the way to the White House. It makes me question everything about the very concept of an “informed populace.” Have these people lost all their sensibilities, or does integrity, honesty and accountability for one’s actions simply not count any more in this county?

Even in the midst of a campaign, Newt refuses to take any responsibility for his actions. Instead, he says he did it for America. I quote:

“There’s no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate.”

Well that makes me feel better. I guess I will just tell people the same thing about my own transgressions.

When someone asks, “Have you ever had an affair, Robb?” I will answer confidently, “Yes, But I did it for my country. I felt it was my sacred duty as an American.”

Somehow I don’t think that argument is going to fly with my significant other. It certainly doesn’t work for me as a voter.

Out in the Emerald City, wondering how long it will take to get my passport to the Conch Republic,

– Robb