And Now A Word From Our Sponsor.

Television commercials have sure changed over the years. I suppose it hasn’t been an overnight kind of change; change rarely occurs with such speed. Still, I’m not quite sure how we went from commercials with jingles we still can sing this day to ones that...

The Designated Sitter.

A friend of mine at work has all the makings of a pro sports star. He has those youthful, rugged good looks, a lanky frame and is the kind of guy every girl would love to take home to mom, or at least take home. I didn’t know until recently that he actually was...

Fabulous Parting Gifts.

Whenever we leave a relationship, we take something with us. Sometimes it’s just what we have on our backs, our exit from the game of love so swift that there’s no time to even thank the host for inviting you to play. At other times you get to choose your...

Amazing That We’re Even Here.

Now that I’m working out semi-regularly, I have had to deal with the issue of time. No, not the time it takes to exercise. The clock on my iPhone and the timer on the treadmill offer plenty of measurement for that kind of time. What I am referring to instead, is...

The Second City Snickers.

I recently heard that yet another pirate band had fallen by the wayside. I have seen a lot of them come and go over the years and often wonder how my band has been together in various forms for the last 30 years. No, we haven’t made it big (yet!). There are...

It Was All An Accident.

I have been in a few accidents over the years. Certainly, the one where the crazy woman thought she could fly over my car was the topper. I can still remember every moment of it in excruciating detail, right down to look on her face as she became a passenger in what...

A Jail Bird In Diapers.

When I was a kid, and unfortunately more and more I am beginning to realize that I was indeed one a long time ago, at least chronologically, I played with guns. Before anyone calls Child Protective Services, they were toy guns. Well, all of them were toys except for...

It Tux Big Time.

I will start off by saying I have a suit. This has not always been the case. I didn’t have a suit until last April. I only bought one because I needed to go to my job interview up in Seattle and hadn’t brought a suit with me. Not that I owned a suit in...

Can I Pass The Test?

It’s been a long time since I owned a car in Seattle. Sure, I used to live in Port Orchard. In fact, I lived there for five or so years. Then, as we know, I lost all my senses and moved to Florida for another eight. As such, it’s been 13 years since...

Cliff Notes.

I used to have a fear of heights. A horrible fear. As a kid I would freak out when the carousel horse hit its high mark as it circled around and around. I never liked ferris wheels much either, though I must say itĀ could be because carnies were responsible for...