A Pirate’s Life.

There was a time oh, so many years ago when pirates were few and far between. In fact, there were only two groups of pirates we ever knew of in the 1980s – the Seafair Pirates and the pirate crewes of Gasparilla who had their annual festival in Tampa, but as far as we...

Rum Runners.

A week or so ago, I heard that a fellow pirate had passed away. It seems to be happening with greater frequency. Though I have tried to fill my life with people younger than I to stem the tide of the dying, there are some who have slipped through the cracks anyway....

In The Den Of Antiquity.

Jimmy Buffett once sang, “The days drift by, they don’t have names.” I only think of this now that I posted a photo I’ve always liked of me and came to the conclusion that it was taken exactly 27 years ago when I was 27. That seems such a long...

The Pirates of Kumbaya.

This is by far the hardest RobZerrvation I’ve tried to write. I have four different drafts in the hold, three never to see the light of day. When I was in Florida, I came upon a really strange phenomenon, one I hadn’t seen before. I can only refer to it as...

The Big Plan.

A friend of mine died a couple days ago. Well, I’m not sure we were ever friends, but we were pirates together oh, so many years ago, and it’s tradition that we mark the passing or all pirates who go on account before us. Even though we didn’t always...

The Bahamas. Like Canada But With Palm Trees.

I was telling a friend the other day about my many adventures in the Bahamas. First, I loved going to the Bahamas when I lived in Florida. It was a quick trip across the water from where I lived. And who wouldn’t like an entirely foreign country that is 30...

This Tail Is Getting So Boring!

I used to like mermaids. I grew up with all the folklore of them. Even Disney’s portrayal of mermaids couldn’t ruin them for me. I guess they were cool because they were relatively obscure. They were the yarns of sailors and fishermen who would be so...

Thank God We Didn’t Invite You.

Ninety minutes to the north of us is the town of Anacortes. In my youth, I spent several summers there, my aunt and uncle running a hotel in town. They would take me boating in the San Juans and as a kid of 12 and 13, driving a boat was a pretty big adventure....


I headed back to the ren faire this time. Oh sure, I’ve been to ren faires in Florida, including BARF. If you aren’t from Florida, you probably thought that was a commentary on the fair itself. No, it stands for Bay Area Renaissance Fair. I’m not...

Lost Boy.

I have always loved the Peter Pan story. A boy who never wants to grow up, who falls for a pretty girl, ends up fighting pirates and in the end, has to choose between remaining a boy or becoming a man. Well, we all know which one I picked. Sure, there have been times...