That Damned Hooker!

This is one of the rare times in life where the universe steps up and bitch slaps people. For the longest time, I have preached that it’s far better to get an education when it’s “free” than pay for it down the road in a sad version of the...

I’ll Take the Elevator.

I work in a skyscraper. It’s a nice one, too. It’s built on a solid foundation, but has some unfortunate and unrepairable flaws. It’s also under construction and I’m not sure when it will ever be complete. No, I’m not secretly working in...

Ampersand Man.

Have you ever noticed that it’s always Batman & Robin, never Robin & Batman? In life, there always seems to be a need for a top banana in an act, the one who comes before the ampersand. And then there’s that fellow who is on the south side of the ampersand,...

Hey Batter, Batter!

Someone posted a while a go that life is hard and they wished it was easy, like it used to be. I’m not sure it ever was. I think we just lose our rose-colored glasses as we age. We start to see the world for what it is rather than the way we hoped or wanted it...

Me, Me, No!

I’ve had an epiphany of sorts. Somewhere, somehow, over the course of the last year, my life is no longer all about me. Yes, you read right. I guess some people figured this out eons ago. They didn’t have to go through much of their life thinking mostly...

Happy… To Me.

My birthday was last week. It was a major one, too. No, not the 40 or even 50 rollover. Instead, I turned 57. O.K., so it’s not a big one for most people. But this is the age my father died. He never made it to 58. In fact, he didn’t even make it to 57.1....


I love it when life imitates art. Well, the art in my head. Being a creative, I often live in a world where reality and fantasy are just across a small footbridge, with either side exchanging places with the other, often at the most unexpected times. Such a time...

If You’re Happy And You Know It…

I’m a pretty happy guy these days. I don’t post this a lot on any social media, largely because such posts would have caused me to go ballistic back in the day when I wasn’t happy and I would have lambasted anyone who boasted they were. While I would...

Now That’s Entertainment!

I’m not really sure why I am learning so much about myself these days. I have a sneaking suspicion it is Kat’s doing, at least in part. I should really just buy a couch and make some appointments with her. But in this last case, my epiphany came at the...

I Feel So Validated.

For most of my life, I have danced to the beat of a different drummer. I’ve long known that something inside me is a little different from others, but I’ve just never been able to put my finger on it. You see, I don’t really like kudos, you know, the...